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Food Items That You Should Never Give Your Dog

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Being a dog owner is a lot of hard work and you need a lot of commitment and patience if you are a dog owner. But the love and joy dogs bring is very difficult to comprehend. There are types of food items that you should never give your dog. Some of these foods might cause serious health complications while some might even cause death. Even if some human food can be good for your dog some types of human food could be lethal. Following are some such food items that you need to avoid feeding your dog at all costs.


Even if we think this would be a healthy treat for dogs, it isn’t. Avocados contain persin which can have harmful reactions in a dog. Therefore, even though you love avocados, make sure you do not add these in your dog’s meal. Whether you are an owner of Doberman puppies or Labrador puppies, make sure avocados or any food items that contains persin is not added to their diet. There are humans who suffer from persin reactions in their bodies. People who are persin tolerant will not have a problem. Therefore, if not all human food can be eaten by humans, it surely cannot be eaten by dogs as well.


It is commonly known among people that alcohol has its negative effects on the human body. It directly effects human organs such a s the liver. Similarly, alcohol has adverse effects on dogs and should never be given to them any time. A little bit of wine or beer can hurt your dog more than you can think. Consumption of alcohol could cause conditions such as diarrhea, vomiting and sometimes could even cause death depending on the amount consumed. Therefore, be very careful in placing your alcohols and make sure it is out of reach from your dogs and puppies. Click here to see more about dogs and puppies.


Although it is loved by many people around the world, chocolates are lethal for dogs. They may show that they like what they eat, but it will have terrible and adverse effect on their health later on in life. Chocolate can cause so many complications in your dog. The most dangerous type of chocolate for dogs would be cooking chocolate but even white chocolate can be very unhealthy. It could cause diarrhea, vomiting and even conditions such as seizures. Most dog owners know how dangerous this product is for their dogs and makes sure they keep it out of their diets.
Therefore, you need to make sure you avoid giving your furry friends these types of food. Research well before you introduce any type of new food item to your pet’s diet.

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